Karan Aujla Phone CapCut Template – We have just shared a template of a song by Karan Aujla. In which you were shown different effects like these. If you want, you can easily use them. If you see many people, you learn according to your own ability. But this template of yours is going to be quite different. In this, for example, if you miss someone or you have messaged any of your friends, the screenshot of that kind of message, the chatting etc., all the things are shown here by screen recording. Today in this article, I have told you how you can do this.
Karan Aujla Phone CapCut Template
If you look at the editing that I am teaching you right now, you can edit this video using your photo. You will find many types of editing. But the template that you have in it, this template in the template. You will find it the best. As you see in this, a video has been prepared using different clips. In which you just have to place a photo. In it, you will see that different chats and different details have been used. Here I tell you one more thing. As you will see that whatever photo you will use in this. Whatever effect you have to apply on your photo, it automatically applies it.

CapCut Template Effect
This effect which you are seeing today, was very difficult to do till some time ago because until this Top Cut application came in the market, video editing was not so popular among the people. This is today’s time. See, in this you are provided a link to the template. You are given a tablet feature in which you can edit any kind of video. For that you will not need to do much editing. You have to follow the process. Then you edit it. But here you will do it in a very easy way.
How To Use Karan Aujla Phone CapCut Template
So in this very simple process I will explain to you how you can use it. First of all I have provided you the template. You can use it directly.
- I have given you the link for the tablet below. If you click on it directly, it will take you directly there.
- Then after that when you click there, you get the option to watch a video like there is a demo video there.
- You must watch it now because only after watching it, you can understand how our video is ready and what kind of video we have to use.
- After watching, you have to click on the link given below and after that you will see that you will go to Capcut and from there you will go to your gallery and after going to the gallery you will select your video.
- The condition here is that you do not add any video here. Here you have to use photos because only photos have been used in this template.
- Now your video will be ready and your work will be done. Now you can export it and complete your editing?